Worship Through Giving
How To Use Givelify
Please Read Directions Fully Before Proceeding!
Click the blue “Give now with Givelify” button on the left
Visually Confirm: Bethlehem Baptist Church Felix C. Anderson – Pastor
When making your donation, if you choose to split the amount into multiple parts (i.e. Tithes, Building Fund, etc.)
Choose your first donation amount by clicking on the desired amount or click “other” to donate a different amount.
On the next screen click what the donation is for (i.e. Tithes)
Click “Add Donation” and choose your next donation amount
Click what this part of the donation is for (i.e. Building Fund)
You can visually confirm your running total and giving breakdown under the church picture.
If an amount is incorrect, click the X to the right of it to remove it
Click “Add donation” to redo if necessary
To finalize the donation, click on the green “Give Now” button.
If this is your first time using Givelify, you will be prompted to sign-up and create your account & enter credit or debit card payment information.
Note: If you select to sign in with email, you will be prompted to enter your email address. The password will be whatever you will create to use as your Givelify account password.
Future Donations Will Be a Breeze
Now that you have completed your first donation using Givelify, future giving will be a piece of cake. You will be able to give in just three taps, with no prompts to create an account or enter payment information.
To make the process even more simple, save the organizations you give to the most as Favorites or your Home Place of Worship using the star and heart icons on their profile.
Mobile App - How To Make Your First Givelify Donation Using Mobile App
1) Download the free Givelify app from the app store or Google Play
2) Locate our Place of Worship (shortcut: Type - Pastor Felix C. Anderson)
3) Tap My Place of Worship
4) Tap the Give button
5) Tap an amount
6) Select an envelope - i.e. Tithes
7) Tap Give Now
8) Create your account
9) Enter payment information
Now Future Donations Will Be a Breeze!